
As you think about posting on REV, here are some questions you can ask yourself. You can also use these ideas to create discussions.

  1. Talk about the one person who has been kindest to you in your life?
  2. Who has had a big influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?
  3. Who do you feel most grateful for in your life?
  4. Who has taught you some of the most important lessons you’ve learned so far?
  5. What encouraging things do you remember about your very friendship?
  6. Who are you proudest of in your life?
  7. Was there ever a time when you felt most alone? Describe it and talk about how you came out the other side of that loneliness.
  8. How has your marriage been different than what you’d imagined?
  9. How would you like to be remembered long after you’re gone?
  10. Do you have any regrets?
  11. What are your hopes for the future? For your children?
  12. For future generations of your family reading this years from now: Is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?
  13. Is there anything you want people to know about you that they likely don’t know? 
  14. What does a typical evening at home look like?
  15. What traits do you admire in other people?
  16. Talk about the hardest relationship you’ve ever had.
  17. Besides your mom, who knows you best and why?
  18. Who is the nicest person in your life, and why do you think so?
  19. Talk about your very favorite senior citizen.
  20. If you could re-live just one year of your life, which one would it be and what would you do differently?
  21. What are you pretending not to know about your spouse?
  22. If I really knew you, what would I know?
  23. How do you make a positive impact in your community?
  24. What would you put on a billboard?
  25. What is one of your happiest memories from your childhood?
  26. What do you know now that you wish you’d known before you got married?
  27. What do you know now that you wish you’d known before you had kids?
  28. If someone were to guess your personality based on your handwriting, what would they say?
  29. Do you prefer to donate time or money to those in need? Why?
  30. If someone could answer one question for you, what would that question be and why?
  31. What small bit of advice would you give to someone just starting a relationship?
  32. What are you interested in that probably no one else is?
  33. What did you Google last?
  34. What do you look for in a friend?
  35. What do you like most about your family?
  36. What’s the best thing about getting older? The worst?
  37. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?
  38. What were some of the turning points in your life? 
  39. What are some personal rules you never break? 
  40. What do you think is the most unique thing about you? Do you keep it hidden or let it show? 
  41. Talk about the one person who has been kindest to you in your life?
  42. Who has had a big influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?
  43. Who do you feel most grateful for in your life?
  44. What are your hopes for the future? For your children?
  45. What is your greatest fear and why?
  46. What is your most deeply held belief?
  47. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?
  48. Where do you usually go when you have time off?
  49. What risks in a relationship have you taken that were worth it?
  50. Who inspires you to be better?
  51. What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received from a friend?
  52. What small gesture from a stranger had the biggest impact on you?
  53. When was the last time you changed your opinion about someone? 
  54. What are some events in your life that made you who you are today?
  55. Tell us about the friendships you still have in your hometown.
Updated on January 3, 2023

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