Just a List of All Best Practices

Sometimes, I just want a simple list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ so that I can check off the boxes. If you’re like me, here’s a list of my general advice for the best practices you may want to ascribe to when using REV:

General good advice

  • Be a leader whose actions line up with your words. If you want your employees to use REV to share stories, you should follow suit and share your own stories on the platform as well.
  • Be inspiring.
  • Be authentic. Don’t tell people what you think they want to hear – speak your truth and tell them what you truly feel.
  • Start with a small group of early ambassadors.
  • Hire someone (or outsource to one of our partners) to help tell the stories of your company.
  • Content is king. Relevant, authentic, interesting, compelling and strategically curated content will guide you towards success.
  • Communicate all things “people and relationships” via the app. Use all other avenues (in person, email, website, etc…) to point people back to the app.
  • Have a content calendar to schedule when and what types of content you’ll be releasing on REV. You can use this template as a starting point.
  • Make sure you’re prepared to roll out new content at least two times a week.
  • Brown Bag Lunch – bring your team together for in-person get-togethers and have fun going through the #talkaboutits.

What not to do

  • There’s only one “please don’t do this” bullet here, but it’s a big one: DON’T CROWD YOU REV FEED WITH PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES OR WORK REMINDERS. This is about helping your people grow as people and as professionals. This is about inspiring them to be a part of your company and find meaning in their work. Sometimes, being a leader is as much about knowing when to step away and ‘un-lead’ as it is reminding your employees of deadlines or projects.

How to drive up engagement

  • Organize contests that encourage employees with similar hobbies to collectively do something they enjoy.
  • Focus on high quality, relevant, timely content.
  • Use images! As any digital marketing expert will tell you, posts with images get significantly more engagement than those without.
  • Promote, emphasize and advertise – promote the app in multi-faceted ways! A keynote speech? Sounds like a great chance to bring up REV. Employee reviews, as well manager-employee and manager-executive meetings or email-chains are all great avenues to promote REV.
  • As the leader, use REV consistently. Inspiration and meaning at work are created from the top- down, not the bottom-up
Updated on January 23, 2023

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